Nonprofit CEO thoughts on results

CEO testimonials on the importance on nonprofit Results Nonprofit results matter. The nonprofit board's primary job is assuring that the organization gets results. Often boards don't determine what results are desired.  Then little effort is made to see if the results are achieved. Following are short videos from nonprofit leaders talking about results. Their message is: a results focus is essential. After all, why does the organization exist if not to achieve results? Bridget…

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Board Measuring and Monitoring Nonprofit Results

Boards and nonprofit results Boards have a tough job. There are many duties and responsibilities. Fundraising is often a high priority. The board's fiduciary role can take considerable board time. Sometimes the board's role with respect to organizational results gets neglected. Here we explore the board's responsibility for results and how to meet that responsibility. measuring and monitoring performance Getting results is a critical responsibility for any board. The board's…

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Boards and Nonprofit Performance

Boards and Nonprofit Performance - Measuring and Monitoring Introduction The primary responsibility of the board is to assure the organization achieves results for its owners. We likely all agree with that statement. That's the easy part. Doing it is harder. Measuring and monitoring performance in nonprofits is complex. There are multiple perspectives -- the board, funders, the CEO, and the functional and program managers. There are various purposes -- accountability, problem solving, routine management,…

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Use performance measures wisely in managing nonprofits

Use performance measures wisely in managing nonprofits Performance measures are essential for good management. But sometimes measures are used in ways that harm rather than improve performance. The Atlantic Magazine article (see link below) illustrates the problems using customer satisfaction in hospital management. These problems apply to other performance measures as well. Some thoughts on avoiding these problems: Consider the possible unintended consequences of using a performance measure. Identify ways improving one…

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Nonprofit Board survey shows performance measurement shortcomings

Nonprofit board survey highlights nonprofit performance measurment shortcomings This survey by the Stanford Graduate School of Business has several important findings. They conclude at the beginning of the executive summary that many boards need significant improvement. One area they emphasize is performance measurement and monitoring. One of the authors states: "Rigorous performance measurement is the bedrock of good governance,” says Meehan. “How can the board claim to understand whether its…

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Core Concepts in Measuring Performance in Nonprofit and Government Agencies

The diagram below summarizes concepts that have been useful to me in working with organizations on measuring performance and managing performance. There are many approaches to measuring performance proposed by different experts and consultants. There is value in many of them but it can get confusing and complicated when you go to implement. Here I boil things down to a few core concepts.     Measuring the performance of nonprofit…

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Nonprofit effectiveness and volunteering

We should all be concerned about the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations in providing value.  The private sector has it easy in some respects. If a company doesn't provide value -- a service or product a customer values and is willing to pay for -- they eventually go out of business. The feedback loop for nonprofit organizations is less direct and longer. Good intentions are often given more weight than real results. A recent column…

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The important stuff can’t be measured vs Peter Drucker

I found a picture while preparing for a recent talk that raised an interesting point about measuring performance.  Peter Drucker's statement "If you can't measure it you can't manage it" is portrayed as dogma. It is contrasted with the statement that "The important stuff can't be measured" which was portrayed as truth. I have heard this argument many times.  It is applied to measuring what people do in organizations and the outcomes or results the…

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Policy Governance Introduction Video

What is Policy Governance? Policy governance is a system for board governance for nonprofits. It was developed by John Carver. It is a complete system for how to conduct the board's governance work. Because it is a comprehensive approach, it can get involved and a little confusing.  The basic elements -- ends policies, executive limitations policies, and performance monitoring -- are simple and straightforward.  It is really a common sense and logical approach. Why…

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